Core vaccines for cats include:
- Feline viral rhinotracheitis (FVR) — FVR is caused by a feline herpesvirus infection, which can be lifelong. The disease causes chronic respiratory problems and corneal ulcers.
- Calicivirus — This disease causes respiratory infection that is characterized by painful oral and nasal ulcers.
- Panleukopenia — Panleukopenia causes white blood cell deficiencies and severe gastrointestinal illness. Kittens exposed in utero may develop lifelong neurologic deficits from inadequate brain development.
- Rabies — This deadly disease is mainly transmitted by wild animals, but even indoor cats can be exposed if a bat enters your home. Rabies vaccination is required by law because the disease is fatal to animals and people.
- Chlamydia — Chlamydophila felis is a bacteria that causes a respiratory infection in cats that is characterized by ocular swelling and discharge.
- Feline leukemia — Feline leukemia causes immunosuppression, making cats susceptible to normally minor infections. The chronic disease also causes cancer in many cats.